Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing in Phoenix with Lo Water Guide Service
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Booking with us is easy! Simply navigate to our trips page on our website and follow the booking prompts or give us a call. Our user-friendly platform allows you to choose your preferred adventure and schedule with convenience.
Yes. Whether you’re a resident or a non-resident, an adult or a child, if you plan to fish in Arizona, you’ll likely need a license. Fishing licenses serve a crucial role in conservation efforts, helping to maintain healthy fish populations and protect their habitats. They’re also a legal requirement, and fishing without one can lead to hefty fines.
From urban fishing ponds to reservoirs, rivers and trout lakes, Arizona is filled with diverse fishing opportunities whether you're a novice or pro.
Every fishing company is unique, so every angler will want to keep every fish. As long as the fish is legal and within the state limit, you can own the entire fish. After you have finished fishing, or reeled in your catch, the fishing crew or captain could take great photos of the fish.
Fishing trips will generally be in intervals of a half-day (4 hours), three-quarters of a day (6 hours), or a full day (8 hours). Remember that where you want to fish may take a while. 4 hours of fishing will go by quickly, especially if you need to travel for an hour to the fishing spot and an hour back.
Bartlett Lake, Canyon Lake, and Lake Pleasant are the top 3.
Some of the most common fish species are the Apache Trout, Common Carp, Grass Carp, Largemouth Bass, Rainbow Trout, and Striped Bass.
It's much less expensive than owning a quality fishing boat – You will have access to all the best gear and tackle. It's a lot less work than owning a fishing boat – You can safely and efficiently learn the area, water navigation, and the top tips to catch fish there.
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